Videos - Eye Screening Videos

Getting Ready for the OCT Pathway in DESP (Canon Medical)

For those that missed the webinar on the 4th September 2024 and would like to join Mr Michael Horler, Mrs Samantha Mann & Prof. Tunde Peto as they discuss the inclusion of the OCT pathway in DESP and it's benefits and challenges.

Please click the link below to create an account and watch the webinar on demand.

Click Here


Event recap: OCT Skills for Diabetic Eye Screener's (Heidelberg Engineering)- April 2024

This webinar provides guidance specifically tailored to diabetic eye screener's on using OCT for diabetic eye screening, The speakers will explore how normal retinal anatomy and retinal pathologies elating to diabetes look on OCT with case study discusssion.


Tim Cole - Head of Clinical Education (Heidelberg Engineering UK)

Mrs Samantha Mann - Consultant Ophthalmologist/ SELDESP Lead/ BARS President

You can now watch this here.


Event recap: OCT Essentials for Diabetes

With OCT becoming increasingly important in the early detection and management of diabetic eye diseases, understanding the principles and applications of OCT is crucial. That's why ZEISS are proud to present an interactive webinar designed to equip participants with foundational knowledge and essential skills in Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT).

Join them as they cover the basics of OCT technology, its importance in diabetes, visual recognition of clinical signs on OCT and practical tips for best practice.

You can now watch the on demand recording of this webinar by clicking here and registering.


Event recap: Diabetes and Pregnancy - pre-existing and gestational diabetes during pregnancy

In case you missed this informative webinar or whether you would simply like to recap and brush up on the notes you took during the event we are now delighted to be able to share with you all the full webinar slideshow. the event was organised by the team at NCL and featured these wonderful keynote speakers: 

  • Dr. Ravi Menon: Consultant Endocrinologist, NMUH 
  • Ms. Ashwini Kulkarni: Consultant OB/GYN, Lead for Diabetes in Pregnancy, NMUH 
  • Mr. Zine El Housseini: Consultant Ophthalmic and Vitreoretinal Surgeon, Co-clinical Lead NCL DESP 

They addressed concerns around key topics such as essential pre-pregnancy and pregnancy considerations for women with diabetes, complications including diabetic eye disease, distinguishing between gestational diabetes and undiagnosed pre-existing diabetes, the role of diabetic eye screening in pregnancy and delivery as well as additional topics relevant to comprehensive diabetic pregnancy care.

If you'd like to learn more please visit the link below.

Diabetic Eye Screening Animation

BARS and Bristol Community Health have commissioned a short animation that screening programmes can use to educate their patients or use as an advert on GP video systems about the screening process.  If programmes would like to use the animation please contact BARS council on

BARS council would like to say a special thank you to Kate Broadhurst, the artist who spent many hours creating the animation.

Katrina's Story - Diabetic Retinal Laser Treatment

A short film from Guy's and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust sharing information on diabetic retinal laser treatment with a first hand experience from a real patient.


Diabetic Eye Screening in Scotland - Patient Information (Deaf from Birth)

One of the most popular presentations at the 2014 BARS Conference in Birmingham came from Louise Clark and Gary Henderson of the NHS Tayside screening programme, who spoke about their work developing patient information for deaf people. That included the production of a short film with sign language to explain the screening process to new patients, and BARS is very happy to share that film here.


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