Diabetic Eye Journal - Diabetic Eye Journal

Diabetic Eye Journal

Issue 11 - September 2018

Other Lesions:  Crystalline Retinopathies - Tjebo Heeran and Dr Catherine Egan from Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Diabetic Eye Disease: DS with OCT and treatment of DMO by Prof Peter Scanlon from Gloucestershire and Oxford Eye Units.

Diabetes UK: 'Be in the know' - campaign on complications by Dr Susan Aldridge, Editor of Diabetes Update.

Spotlight on DESP: Derbyshire DESP - Hard to reach project by Jodie Longmate.

BARS: All in a Year's Work by Phil Gardner, BARS Chairman.

MSc Project: Can vessel retinal damage ofer prognosis to cerebrovascular events by Luke Rollin, NHS England North, PHE.


In order to keep file sizes manageable whilst maintaining a high resolution for images, this online issue of DEJ has been split into three parts. Click on the main cover above for part 1, and on the images below for part 2 and part 3 respectively.

 Part 2     Part 3
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