The BARS Chronicle - Diabetic Eye Journal

Diabetic Eye Journal

Issue 8 - April 2017

Other Lesions: Retinal Artery Occlusions in Diabetic Retinal screening. Their types, management and current treatments. 

Diabetic Eye Disease: Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and DR - Does OSA contribute to progression of DR in Diabetics?

Diabetes UK: Engaging with Black, Asian and Minority Ethic Communities - How to get involved.

Spotlight on DESP: Sunderland and South Tyneside DESP - The 'ONE STOP' approach to screening.



In order to keep file sizes manageable whilst maintaining a high resolution for images, this online issue of DEJ has been split into three parts. Click on the main cover above for part 1, and on the images below for part 2 and part 3 respectively.

 Part 2     Part 3
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