The 2022 BARS conference in Newcastle was a great success, attended by approximately 195 delegates who enjoyed a range of high quality presentations by speakers from all over the country. Many of the speakers have been kind enough to allow us to reproduce their presentations here in PDF format, so to download one of the 2022 conference presentations, please click on the relevant link below.
Administration Management Meeting
Maggie Crockett - Whose Audit is it anyway?
Thursday Programme
Mr James Talks - Diabetic Wide Field Imaging
Mr Tafadzwa Young-Zvandasara - The value of OCT for suspected and confirmed PDR
Mr David Steel - Vitrectomy for Advanced DR, it's not the last resort!
Mr Howard Charlton - Lifetime membership award winner
Dr Stuart Little - Type 1 diabetes and technology
Adeline Pinnock - Patients are people too; Why social determinants matter
Katrina Mason - The most photographed eyes in the North East
Helen Bone - One stop screening in South Tyneside
Friday Programme
Dr Elizabeth Wilkinson (BARS Outgoing President) - work of BARS over tenure of presidency
Dr Samantha Mann (BARS Incoming President) - vision for BARS over tenure of presidency
Dr Shailja Chalishazar - case study winner on uveitis
Pauline Miller - Super snifers, an introduction to medical detection dogs
Professor Ian Pearce - Geographic Atrophy, are we on the verge of treatments?
Clare Connor & Laura Webster - Health Inequalities within the SEL DESP
Jack South and Dr Samantha Mann - What to do when the pressure builds
Professor Roy Taylor (Keynote Speaker) - Eyes wide open: Type 2 diabetes
The three winning posters of the 2022 BARS/Topcon (GB) Medical Ltd Poster Competition were announced at this year's conference in Newcastle with the winners each receiving Amazon vouchers. The standard and content exceeded expectations and with a total of 9 entries, it was difficult to pick out the individual winners. The three posters can be viewed below by clicking the relevant title.
1st: Thomas Cale and Karen Moss – Arden, Herefordshire and Worcestershire DESP
2nd: Tracy Nobes, Kirsty Wilson, Abbie Rance, Samantha Clack, Lucy Hammond and Shivani Soni – Arden, Herefordshire & Worcestershire, North of Tyne & Gateshead, BaNES, Swindon & Wiltshire, West Riding & Craven, South West London DESP's
Non-attendance in Eye Screening: reasons and outcomes
3rd: Tegan Hewitt, Denise McLoughlin, Steven O'Grady-Walsh, Amir Gaas, Nathan Hayne, Christine Pope, Linda Warren, Judit Lal, Dominique Zamarian and Liliana Strobino – South East London DESP
Increasing attendance of R3A's at HES
BARS are pleased to be able to display all of the other entries from the competition as these are very popular at the conference. Please click on the title below to view.
Steven O'Grady-Walsh, Laura Webster, Clare Connor, Rebecca Strutton, Ana Lopes, Mariette Felix – South East London DESP
Health Inequalities: South East London DESP's "Change Lab" project to target non-attenders
Jennifer Hughes and Kodie Leadbetter - Central Mersey DESP
Health inequalities within the prison system
Nicholas Barclay - Surrey DESP
Tips on how to take digital retinal images to NHS national standards
Shailja Chalishazar – University Hospital Wales
White dot syndrome like presentation secondary to Ibrutinib therapy: A case report
Tobias O'Donovan and Amanda Chinery – Surrey DESP
Patient Engagement & DES-S08 (KPI DE4)
Bartlomiej Masiukiewicz – NHS Tayside
The winners and runners-up of the 2022 BARS/Mainline Instruments Photography Competition were announced at this year's conference in Newcastle. With a total of 18 entries, the clinical category was won by Philip Mullen from the Medica (Ireland) DESP and the runner-up was James Talbot from NHS Tayside in Dundee. The artistic category was won by Leanne Bird & Manjit Kaur from the Birmingham, Solihull & Black Country DESP and the runner-up was Ayodeji Dada from the South East London DESP. The winners received Amazon vouchers for each category and the runners-up received a certificate.
Below are the winners from each category.
Click on the image to open a larger version.
Photo by Philip Mullen Photo by Leanne Bird & Manjit Kaur