The 2015 BARS Conference in Bristol was a great success, attended by approximately 250 delegates who enjoyed a range of high quality presentations by speakers from all over the country. Photos from this year's conference can be viewed on the BARS Facebook page by clicking here.
Many of the speakers have been kind enough to allow us to reproduce their presentations here in PDF format, so to download one of the 2015 conference presentations, click on the relevant link below.
(Note: If no link is present, we are still awaiting that presentation from the speaker. Please check back soon)
Programme Managers' Meeting
'Measuring the Quality of Grading in DESP' by Shelley Widdowson (National Grading Lead)
'Image Grading IQA' by Grant Duncan (Head of DES Clinical Services, 1st Retinal Screen Ltd)
Thursday Programme
'Diabetic Eye Screening: past, present & future' by David Taylor (National QA Manager)
Case Study: 'What did we miss?' by Ross Largan & Thomas Pearson (Sutton & Merton DESP)
Case Study: 'A 16 month Treatment Journey' by Kate Powell (Bristol & Weston DESP)
Case Study: 'Not in Keeping with Newly Diagnosed Diabetes' by Althea Smith (York DESP)
'Diabetic Macular Oedema' by Rehna Khan (Ophthalmology Lead, Calderdale & South Kirklees DESP)
'DES Training & Education Update' by Patrick Rankin (Adult Screening Training & Education Manager)
'Who are they? Where are they? Why aren't they attending?' by Mark Histed & Jordan Laird (Medical Imaging)
'Diabetic Eye Screening: a PHE perspective' by Luke Rollin (Screening and Immunisation Coordinator PHE - NHS England)
'Ten minutes once a year can save your sight' by Louise Clark (NHS Tayside Diabetic Retinopathy Screening Service)
'National Programme Update' by Lynne Lacey (National DESP Manager)
Friday Programme
'Screening in Ethiopia: The Leopard Project' by Paul Galsworthy (Birmingham Heartlands)
'Glaucoma Update' by Bola Odufuwa (Consultant Ophthalmologist, Royal Free Hospital London)
'Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy in DR Screening' by Dr Tunde Peto (Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust)
Case Study: 'Proliferative Retinopathy, No Longer Diabetic' by Sandra Reveira (North Central London DESP)
'Diabetes Resolved' by Alyson Jaycock (Oxfordshire DESP)
'What our diabetic eye screening programme is still doing wrong - a review of frustrations over 6
years as ophthalmology lead for the North Yorkshire DESP' by Richard Hanson
Keynote Lecture: 'Weight loss to restore Beta Cell Function: a cure for type 2 diabetes?' by Professor Roy Taylor
BARS Council would like to thank all of those who gave up their time to speak at the 2015 conference, and for granting permission for their presentations to be made available online.
The two winners of the 2015 BARS/HISL Photography Competition were announced at this year's conference in Bristol. Richard Bell from the North of Tyne & Gateshead DESP won the Clinical category and Stacey Barbaccia from the Birmingham, Solihull & the Black Country DESP won the Artistic category. Richard and Stacey were each presented with an Apple iPad Mini 16GB by Steve Courtney, CEO of Health Information Systems Ltd who kindly sponsored the competition.
Photo by Richard Bell Photo by Stacey Barbaccia